Licensed Day Care Investigation Actions
Code Ascending
CANChild Abuse / Neglect Report Made
CORViolations Corrected – No further action required
CRMCriminal Activity Report Made
CRPCorrective Plan
ENAReferred for Enforcement: Administrative Order of Closure
ENCReferred for Enforcement: Conditional License
ENPReferred for Enforcement: Provisional License
ENRReferred for Enforcement: Revocation, Refuse to Renew License
EXPLicense Expired
FLGReferred to Legal
IFRInformal Review
MONMonitoring (follow-up, on-going, etc.)
NFANo Violations – No further action required
POTPhotographs Taken
PPLProtective Plan/Licensing
RLGReferred to Legal (States Attorney / Attorney General)
ROAReported/Referred to Other Agency (State/Municipal/Federal)
SURLicense Surrendered
SUXSuspend Adoption Services (CWA providing adoption services only)
SVRSupervisory Review
SWCLicense Surrendered with Cause
Licensed Day Care Investigation Status
Status Ascending
CorrectedThe repeated violation has been corrected again
CorrectedA Substantiated violation that is now corrected
Corrected on siteA Substantiated violation was corrected while the licensing representative was still on site.
PendingThe Licensing Representative is in the process of gathering enough information to make a determination on whether a rule was or was not violated.
RepeatThe substantiated violation has not been corrected yet and was cited on a previous occasion.
SubstantiatedEvidence to support that the rule or statute violation occurred.
UnsubstantiatedEvidence to support that the rule or statute violation did not occur.